Nature loves to interfere in many aspects of human life. She did not bypass betting either, periodically making her own adjustments to the probability of bettors winning. When a player chooses a promising bet when analyzing a soccer match, he may not take into account one point – snowfall. Weather conditions can bring the 100% rate down to near zero. But is it possible for a bettor to take the winter as his allies and already “together”, knowing some of the nuances, make promising bids? It turns out you can.

Winter game features

Due to the difficult economic situation in the state and the peculiarities of the climate, many countries play according to the spring-autumn system, opening the soccer season somewhere in early April and ending in mid or late November, trying to finish the championship before the onset of the first severe cold weather. Such a system is used, for example, in Moldova, Belarus, the Baltic countries, etc. The richer states have recently begun to play according to a different scheme: the soccer season begins in early August, lasts until May, where a winter break is provided.

What to do with Eurocups

Why are the developed countries of Western Europe not afraid of severe frosts? Firstly, there is a much milder climate, rarely below -10. Secondly, even taking into account such a not severe frost, soccer fields in Western European countries are built with heating, the stands themselves are heated, so that the fans are comfortable watching the soccer game. It turns out that the players play in normal, “greenhouse” conditions.

Features of winter bets on soccer

In European countries, the soccer championship does not stop in winter, the matches go on one after the other. The frost is not terrible, because the field and stands are heated, and the frosts are not very big. But the main trouble for the local soccer championships is heavy snowfalls during the match. Sometimes the field resembles one continuous snow crust, an orange ball is introduced into the game, but this does not greatly save the situation.
With such a game, the speeds drop greatly, the players sometimes do not even see a bright ball. What does this lead to? To a drop in performance: the field is slippery, snow makes it difficult to quickly disperse the attack, the ball must be passed through the air, because snow strongly dampens the speed and accuracy of the pass, frequent losses follow. The team on the defensive is much easier in comparison with the attacking opponent. But having intercepted the ball, it is difficult for the defending team to organize a swift counterattack.

Still wondering what you can earn in winter?

The weather has always been a faithful ally of experienced bettors, where frost and heavy snowfall are in a special position, giving a gorgeous opportunity for the bettor to make a very promising bet that will warm the soul even in the most severe frosts!